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At the start of your EdSafe subscription, we will carry out a comprehensive, on-site audit of all aspects of your school’s health and safety management. We will visit your school and work with you to understand the current strengths, weaknesses and opportunities. The process is not about catching anyone out or finding someone to blame – it is about learning how to improve.

We spend time with relevant members of your staff team as well as carrying out an inspection of the school premises. We will also examine all of the relevant paperwork (be it policies, risk assessments, training records or maintenance records). You will receive a full, professional report with prioritised recommendations.

Following the audit, we will then:

  1. Input all of the recommendations into your online task management system, so that you can manage your improvements, assign them to individuals, upload evidence and monitor your progress.

  2. As well as the audit recommendations, we can create a bespoke ongoing compliance plan for the task management system. This means we can create a schedule of your ongoing, recurring tasks so that you can always be assured that what you think is being done, is actually being done!

Download our exemplar audit report here to see how simple and clear EdSafe’s reporting and action plans are.

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