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EdSafe schools are able to appoint Handsam as their competent person for all health, safety and welfare issues. Not only does this satisfy the requirement for schools to have access to competent safety advice, but it also provides the peace of mind that someone is available to help you when you need it most.

As an EdSafe school you will be able to contact us by phone or email with all of your safety and welfare queries and our team of professional and friendly experts will be there to find the answers for you. We see ourselves as being an extension to your own team.

In addition, you also have full access to our renowned Quick Guides Library, which contains over 500 frequently updated documents. Not only will you have all the templates that you need at your fingertips, but you can also read documents that explain how best to tackle difficult subjects such as: exclusion cases, managing asbestos, administration of medicines and many, many more. The library of documents is carefully maintained by our team of editors and education experts meaning school and academy leaders can stay up to date on all legislation and guidance changes as they happen.

Handsam Quick Guides contain:

  • All the templates you need for risk assessments, checklists and procedures.

  • A comprehensive, up-to-date document library regarding school compliance.

  • The law and case studies are explained in plain English in order to understand how it applies to you.

  • Links to formal resources such as the HSE and DfE.

  • Topics include: Equal Opportunities, Asbestos, Data Protection, the Bribery Act, Disability, Pay, Parental Complains, Finance, Negligence and much more.

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